Monday, June 4, 2012


"Do you believe in God?" I asked Jessica one of the participance of the music/hippie festival called Wakarusa. "Yes I believe there is a God" she answered. While I was painting her face, she told me the story of how she gave up heroine to raise her son. Unknowingly to her God protected her from any further damage and blessed her with a son. I simply told her that God cares about her and prayed for her. When I opened my eyes after I finished with amen she look at me with thankful eyes and hugged me.

After sharing my testimony with a guy and a girl from Oklahoma I find out that Sky goes to a home church but does not know Jesus Christ as her personal savior and Sean grew up in a christian home but now has no time to go to church because of joining the air force. As me and a friend were trying to ask more personal questions we were interrupted by a man sitting down next to us at our table. It was sad because we could not continue our conversation because that man keep interrupting and making weird comments.
I was so mad because I knew it was not that man I was fighting against, it was the spirit in him that was taunting me. Please keep these people in your prayers....they are so close!

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