Friday, September 6, 2013

God's Kingdom and a summer of stillness

“We grow up hungry for love, and in ways so deep as to remain unexpressed we long for our Maker to love us.” ― Philip Yancey, What's So Amazing about Grace?

“If we only had eyes to see and ears to hear and wits to understand, we would know that the Kingdom of God in the sense of holiness, goodness, beauty is as close as breathing and is crying out to born both within ourselves and within the world; we would know that the Kingdom of God is what we all of us hunger for above all other things even when we don’t know its name or realize that it’s what we’re starving to death for. The Kingdom of God is where our best dreams come from and our truest prayers. We glimpse it at those moments when we find ourselves being better than we are and wiser than we know. We catch sight of it when at some moment of crisis a strength seems to come to us that is greater than our own strength. The Kingdom of God is where we belong. It is home, and whether we realize it or not, I think we are all of us homesick for it.” ― Frederick Buechner

 Over this summer I have been pondering about God's Kingdom. What it means here on earth, what part I have in it and so many other questions. I have come to realize that Jesus talks about His Fathers Kingdom all the time. Jesus uses a lot of parables to explain the Kingdom of God. But just like John and Daniel could only use earthly words to describe something not from this world Jesus used terms so that we can picture something that is "like" it.

These are just a few things that I have been working on in my down time. Also besides working at base I have started crocheting again. I finally got my drivers license! It's been more of a quiet summer, working on projects and getting things ready for the fall school.
 For the next season this is what I will be up to:
- I will not staff this fall DTS school
- My main job at the moment is working as kitchen staff
- I'm going home to Austria from 11/11-12/9 2013
- Since I'm not staffing this school I won't go on outreach this year
- I'm hoping to staff the spring school though

 I'm just so grateful for what God is doing in my life.
 It's not always easy to fully trust God to provide for every need that I have
 It's not always easy to make other people understand what I'm doing is what God called me to God
 It's not always easy to have people think your stupid because I should get a real job
It's not always easy to be way from family and follow Christ where ever he leads me
But I know it's all in God's will and there is a reward in Heaven waiting for me!
Jesus promises to
"Trust in Me with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Me, and I will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5,6

 P.S: I have a Amazon Wish list for my upcoming birthday (11/18) it's called Random (

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